
  • Bejana Cultura - Art and Design Journal

    Bejana Cultura - of Art & Design Journal is a scientific journal of final student work managed by the Telkom University Purwokerto in the fields of Art & Design The aim of the Bejana Cultura- of Art & Design is to build an effective means of communication between academics and researchers at institutions as well as to become a means of promoting and disseminating the results of students' final research work in scientific disciplines:

  • Journal of Informatics Information System Software Engineering and Applications (INISTA)

    Journal of Informatics, Information System, Software Engineering and Applications (INISTA) is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by Industrial Technology and Informatics Faculty of Purwokerto Institute of Technology Telkom (ITT-P) with ISSN 2622-8106 . The aim of this journal is to publish articles dedicated to all aspects of the latest outstanding developments in the fields of Informatics, Information System, Software Engineering and Applications. It will be publish twice in a year May and November.

    Start from edition Vol. 5 No. 2 in May 2023, we are only accept publication journal only in English.

  • Journal of Telecommunication Electronics and Control Engineering (JTECE)

    • Journal of Telecommunication, Electronics and Control Engineering (JTECE) is a scientific journal organized by Fakultas Teknik Telekomunikasi dan Elektro of Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto, Indonesia.

    • JTECE welcomes all journals in the research field of telecommunications, Electronics, and Control Engineering.
      This journal aims to publish high-quality research journals for society and improve scientific research productivity.

    • JTECE is published twice a year in January and July. The articles could be in Bahasa Indonesia or English.


  • Journal of Dinda : Data Science, Information Technology, and Data Analytics

    Journal of Dinda : Data Science, Information Technology, and Data Analytics as a publication media for research results in the fields of Data Science, Information Technology, and Data Analytics, but not implicitly limited. Published 2 times a year in February and August. The journal is managed by the Data Engineering Research Group, Faculty of Informatics, Telkom Purwokerto Institute of Technology. ISSN Number is 2809-8064

  • IJCOSIN: Indonesian Journal of Community Service and Innovation

    IJCOSIN : Indonesian Journal of Community Service and Innovation (IJCOSIN) merupakan jurnal ilmiah enam bulanan yang memuat hasil-hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang merupakan penerapan dari berbagai ilmu/bidang diantaranya bidang teknik, komputer, pendidikan, sosial humaniora, pelayanan kesehatan, desain, dan pertanian. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat IJCOSIN terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun, yaitu pada bulan Januari dan bulan Juli.

  • Jurnal TRINISTIK: Jurnal Teknik Industri, Bisnis Digital, dan Teknik Logistik

     About Jurnal TRINISTIK


    TRINISTIK Journal

    TRINISTIK JOURNAL serves as a scholarly platform for publishing research in the domains of industrial engineering, digital business, and logistics engineering, although it is not implicitly restricted to these fields. It is published biannually, in March and September.

    The name TRINISTIK is a portmanteau derived from the disciplines of Teknik Industri, Bisnis Digital, and teknik Logistik. It also represents TRI (Tiga) NIS (Jenis) TIK (Karakteristik) of knowledge that intersect with one another.

    The journal is administered by the Industrial Systems Engineering Expertise Group at the Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto.


    TRINISTIK JOURNAL is a scientific forum for the dissemination of research findings, intellectual discourse, and critical analyses in the fields of industrial engineering, digital business, and logistics engineering. It aims to promote excellence in education, research, and community service, and to serve as a valuable reference for scholars and practitioners.

    TRINISTIK JOURNAL invites the submission of scholarly articles within the following research domains:

    Industrial Engineering

    1. Ergonomic, Work Study And Safety

    2. Operational Research

    3. Manufacturing Facility Design

    4. Quality Management

    5. Operations Engineering and Management

    6. Product Design And Development

    Logistic Engineering

    1. Supply Chain Management

    2. Logistics Engineering

    Digital Business

    1. Digital Business Strategy, Model And Platform, Service Design

    2. Technology, Innovation And Digital Transformation.

    3. Financial Technology

    Best Regrads.


  • Askara: Jurnal Seni dan Desain

    Askara merupakan media publikasi hasil penelitian ilmiah dalam bidang keilmuan seni visual, komunikasi visual dan desain yang lebih luas. Askara yang berarti cahaya atau sinar, diharapkan mampu menerangi dan merepresentasikan jalinan hubungan antar sesama disiplin ilmu, peneliti, dan wacana yang berlaku adil terhadap seluruh kajian ilmu, terutama ranah keilmuan Desain Komunikasi Visual, Desain Produk dan Seni Visual. Askara diterbitkan secara digital setiap enam bulan sekali, yaitu pada bulan Juli dan Desember setiap tahunnya. Jurnal ini dikelola oleh Kelompok Keahlian Media Kreatif dan Periklanan (KK MKP), LPPM, Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto.

  • LEDGER : Journal Informatic and Information Technology

    LEDGER : Journal Informatic and Information Technology is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by Informatics Faculty of Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto (ITTP) with ISSN 2963-8798 . The aim of this journal is to publish articles dedicated to all aspects of the latest outstanding developments in the fields of Informatics, Information System, Software Engineering and Applications. It will be publish Four Times in a year FebruaryMay, August and November.

  • Journal of Software Engineering and Multimedia (JASMED)

    Journal of Software Engineering and Multimedia (JASMED) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto (ITTP) and managed by the Software and Multimedia Engineering Expertise Group. The aim of this journal is to publish articles dedicated to all aspects of the outstanding latest developments in the fields of Informatics, Information Systems, Software Engineering, Multimedia and Applications with ISSN 3025-6372. Journal of Software Engineering and Multimedia (JASMED)  published twice a year between January - June, and July - December with the scope and focus of research