IJCOSIN: Indonesian Journal of Community Service and Innovation 2024-01-31T15:29:19+08:00 Siti Khomsah Open Journal Systems <p class="a____ tm6"><span class="tm7">IJCOSIN : Indonesian Journal of Community Service and Innovation (IJCOSIN) merupakan jurnal ilmiah enam bulanan yang memuat hasil-hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang merupakan penerapan dari berbagai ilmu/bidang diantaranya bidang teknik, komputer, </span><span class="tm7">pendidikan, sosial humaniora</span><span class="tm7">, </span><span class="tm7">pelayanan </span><span class="tm7">kesehatan, desain, dan pertanian. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat IJCOSIN terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun, yaitu pada bulan </span><span class="tm7">Januari</span><span class="tm7"> dan bulan </span><span class="tm7">Juli</span><span class="tm7">.</span></p> Pendampingan Penyusunan Standar Operational Prosedur (SOP) Pengelolaan Bank Sampah Di Kelurahan Klitren Yogyakarta 2024-01-22T13:20:13+08:00 Emy - Setyaningsih Defrensia Apriliani Kasi Sekar Chairunnisa Purnomo Alan Primayoga Hendrik Saputra Nur Annisa Syafitri Vianney Laura Seran <p><em>Waste Bank is a community-based waste management system that allows the community to actively participate in managing their environment. To date, in the Klitren Sub District area, there are 16 waste banks in each RW, named Anugrah Waste Bank (BSA). In carrying out its duties and functions, each BSA has waste management policies and operational techniques that vary from one BSA to another. This causes BSA performance to be ineffective and makes it not easy for Group Facilitators to report to the Village level. Therefore, Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) are needed to regulate effective and efficient waste bank management. Community Service Activities by the ORMAWA BEM PPK Team, AKPRIND Yogyakarta Institute of Science &amp; Technology is to provide assistance and help prepare SOPs related to excellent and effective waste bank management. The methods used are Preparation through Community Organizing and Social Mapping activities, assistance through Forum Group Discussion (FGD) activities, and Post-mentoring activities for preparing SOPs. The formation of BSA management SOPs provides clear and standardized guidance for sorting, processing, and selling waste and recording and reporting administration for BSA administrators in Klitren Village.</em></p> 2024-01-22T10:49:34+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Implementasi Peta Digital untuk Mendukung Pelayanan Informasi Kepemilikan Lahan di Desa Grujugan Kabupaten Kebumen 2024-01-22T13:17:57+08:00 sausan sausan Popy Laras Puspita Gavrilla Claudia Luqman Nawawi Argadhana Nugrohosiwi <p><em>Grujugan Village has a short and medium term plan (RPJMD) to create a spatial information system and digital map. The information system will be used for village spatial planning. However, the problem found is that the existing map of the Grujugan Village area does not meet the requirements of a digital map. The existing map is still a sketch map that does not contain coordinate data. This community service aims to help overcome this problem by making a digital map of Grujugan Village. The method of implementing this community service consists of observation and preparation stages, implementation stages, and activity evaluation stages. At the implementation stage there is a digital map making stage. The method of making digital maps uses Quantum GIS and data collection using drones and the My Track application. The result of this community service activity is a digital map of Grujugan Village. The benefit of this community service is that Grujugan Village currently has a digital map that can be used to facilitate information services in Grujugan Village.</em></p> 2024-01-22T10:57:21+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pelatihan Penggunaan Pulsed Electric Field sebagai Peningkatan Kualitas Ikan di Kelompok Mina Rizqi Muarareja Tegal 2024-01-22T13:17:58+08:00 Qirom Qirom Sari Prabandari Arry Darmawan <p><em>The Mina Rizqi fish processing group is one of the fish processing groups in the Muarareja sub-district, West Tegal District, Tegal City. Mina Rizqi's group processes fish using simple equipment such as boxes, jerry cans, drying in the open, and washing with water in a basin. Lack of knowledge that producing good fishery products must meet certain standards. Improving fish quality is a crucial aspect of the fishing industry to meet quality standards and increase product competitiveness. Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) is a post-harvest processing technology that uses short electrical pulses to improve the texture, taste, and shelf life of fish. The aim of this training is to provide members of the Mina Rizqi Muarareja Tegal group with an in-depth understanding of the working principles of PEF, its benefits on fish quality, as well as its practical implementation in the fish processing process. The method of implementing activities is training, which covers technical aspects of PEF, parameters that influence the effectiveness of PEF, and procedures for safe use. The results of the training increased the knowledge and skills of Mina Rizqi group members in implementing PEF effectively. After training, the Mina Rizqi Fish Processing Group was able to increase its productivity from 60kg to 100kg per production period.</em></p> 2024-01-22T00:00:00+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Peningkatan Kesadaran Keamanan Informasi Siswa SMK Telkom Purwokerto Melalui Pelatihan Footprinting dan Reconnaissance 2024-01-22T13:17:59+08:00 Wahyu Adi Prabowo Rifki Adhitama Auliya Burhanuddin Paradise Paradise Khusnul Fauziah Aufa Salsabila Nahrowi <p><em>The community service activity aims to delve into the concept of footprinting and reconnaissance in cybersecurity focusing on students at SMK Telkom Purwokerto. Guided by lecturers and students, the activity aims to enhance participants' understanding of vital early information analysis and gathering techniques in the realm of cybersecurity. Implementation methods include online learning and direct practical sessions in the classroom, enabling participants to implement these concepts. The training benefits encompass an improved understanding of system security threats, the development of technical analysis skills, and the ability to implement better protective measures. The results demonstrate active participation and an enhanced understanding of the importance of footprinting and reconnaissance in managing information security risks among the participants. There was a 90% increase in awareness after the participants underwent the training, indicating a positive impact of this activity on students' comprehension of information security. Therefore, this activity not only supports the tridharma of higher education but also strengthens the relationship between the Telkom Purwokerto Institute of Technology and the community in enhancing local cybersecurity.</em></p> 2024-01-22T11:10:52+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Implementasi Sistem Pengelolaan Data Semen Beku Ternak di Balai Inseminasi Buatan Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan 2024-01-26T15:42:43+08:00 Budi Rahmani Adinda Dewi Puspa Rini Awenta Defari Mahan <p><em>This activity aims to primarily implement a web-based information system in the Production &amp; Distribution section of the Artificial Insemination Center of South Kalimantan Province. Administrative tasks include producing, storing, and distributing frozen livestock semen. The hope for this implementation is efficiency, speed, and accuracy in managing production data, distribution, bull data, straw culling data, and frozen semen stock data. The method involves developing web-based software that can process data in real-time, allowing operators to input information directly in the field. Implementation processes include user training and testing to ensure system success. The results of this dedication include transforming manual administrative systems into digital ones, facilitating faster and more accurate data input. The generated reports on production information, distribution, bull data, straw culling data, and frozen semen stock can meet the standards of this center. The impact of this activity is evident in the increased operational efficiency and information accuracy. Information technology is expected to enhance the Artificial Insemination Center's competitiveness in the era of globalization. This dedication has the potential for long-term positive impact, not only at the institutional level but also in supporting the broader development of the livestock sector. The practical implementation of information technology is hoped to serve as an example for similar institutions in their efforts to improve operational efficiency and effectiveness.&nbsp;</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-26T15:28:52+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Data Processing and Analysis to Support the Village Love Statistics Programme in Sokawera Village 2024-01-31T15:23:01+08:00 Alya Fauziyah Ria Novita Awalia Ramadhani Ernawati Prahesta Kurnia Sari <p><em>Sokawera Village, Patikraja Sub-district, Banyumas Regency is one of the villages designated as an example of Desa Cinta Statistik (Desa Cantik). Desa Cantik data collection activities have been carried out using a survey with a paper questionnaire. The problem is that the results of the survey questionnaire have not been tabulated and analyzed due to the limited ability of village staff in data processing. The purpose of this community service is to assist Sokawera Village in processing the results of the Desa Cantik program survey. The methods used include observation and preparation, coordination, data collection, formatting, data entry, data validation, data tabulation, and descriptive analysis. Based on the descriptive analysis that has been carried out, Sokawera Village, which consists of 15 RT and 4 RW, has a total population of 3215 residents with 1602 male and 1603 female residents. In addition, data on social information of family members, education, births and deaths, health, business, land and livestock tenure, asset ownership, government development and security were also obtained. This PKM-PM program is expected to assist Sokawera Village in processing the results of the Desa Cantik program survey and have a positive impact involving an increased understanding of the social, economic and welfare conditions of the population, as well as opening up opportunities for the preparation of more targeted programs to improve the quality of life of the Sokawera Village community in a sustainable manner.</em></p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Increasing Digital Literacy Capabilities for Students in the Maros Regency Area Through the Education Sector Digital Literacy Program 2024-01-31T15:26:31+08:00 Abdillah SAS Ratnawati Gatta Supriadi Syam Ahmad Swandi Muh Fadli Fauzi Sahlan Nanang Hermawan <p><em>This service aims to enhance the digital literacy skills of students in Maros Regency through an educational digital literacy program. The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted a shift in the learning paradigm from face-to-face to online, revealing the moderate to low levels of digital literacy among students. With a focus on digital ethics, a community engagement program was implemented in three schools, involving over 400 participants. The methodology included needs identification, activity planning, training execution, evaluation, and report compilation.Evaluation results demonstrate an improvement in the understanding and digital literacy skills of students, with a satisfactory percentage of success in post-test assessments. Collaboration among the government, university, and community was crucial to the success of this program. The impact encompasses a shift in the mindset of the younger generation regarding literacy education and the recognition of Maros Regency as a benchmark for digital literacy. The urgency of digital literacy is further emphasized through the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia's program.</em></p> 2024-01-26T00:00:00+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pelatihan Penerapan Lubang Resapan Biopori Sebagai Penanggulangan Penumpukan Sampah Organik 2024-01-31T15:29:19+08:00 A.A Istri Candra Manika Dewi Rizal Wahyu Pratama Khulika Malkan Agung Malik Ibrahim Jeti Aprilia Syalaisha Nisrina Anataya <p><em>The accumulation of organic waste and the lack of soil infiltration has a negative impact on society, causing the spread of methane gas (CH4) in the air, which can worsen global climate change due to greenhouse effect conditions. Public awareness, especially among students, is not yet high enough to properly process organic waste. This community service aims to increase students' knowledge on how to process organic waste using a biopore system. The target of the activity is students of SMP Negeri 5 Purbalingga. The training participants were 27 students. The methods used were counseling and practice. The success of the activity is measured using the survey method. Counseling and practice sessions about biopores involve using two holes with a diameter of 10 cm and a depth of 100 cm. Both biopores were applied in the environment of SMP Negeri 5 Purbalingga. Based on a survey of participants using a questionnaire tool, the results showed that the level of knowledge of organic waste processing using the biopore system before counseling and training was 6.67% to 33.33%. After counseling and practice, the participants' knowledge increased to 73.33% - 93.33%. In conclusion, this counseling activity can increase the knowledge of students at SMP Negeri 5 Purbalingga on how to process organic waste with a biopore system. Therefore, based on this knowledge, it is hoped that the accumulation of organic waste can be reduced by the biopore system run by students and can reduce stagnant water due to rain.</em></p> 2024-01-26T00:00:00+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##