IJCOSIN: Indonesian Journal of Community Service and Innovation https://journal.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/index.php/ijcosin <p class="a____ tm6"><span class="tm7">IJCOSIN : Indonesian Journal of Community Service and Innovation (IJCOSIN) merupakan jurnal ilmiah enam bulanan yang memuat hasil-hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang merupakan penerapan dari berbagai ilmu/bidang diantaranya bidang teknik, komputer, </span><span class="tm7">pendidikan, sosial humaniora</span><span class="tm7">, </span><span class="tm7">pelayanan </span><span class="tm7">kesehatan, desain, dan pertanian. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat IJCOSIN terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun, yaitu pada bulan </span><span class="tm7">Januari</span><span class="tm7"> dan bulan </span><span class="tm7">Juli</span><span class="tm7">.</span></p> LPPM IT Telkom Purwokerto en-US IJCOSIN: Indonesian Journal of Community Service and Innovation 2807-6370 Upaya Pencegahan Diare Anak Melalui Edukasi Menggunakan Hand-Wash https://journal.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/index.php/ijcosin/article/view/1553 <p><em>A disease that often occurs in developing countries, including Indonesia, is diarrhea. Diarrhea is the discharge of liquid or watery feces that occurs at least 3 times. In Indonesia, diarrhea is an Extraordinary Event (KLB) which is often accompanied by death. The general aim is to carry out training activities regarding diarrhea prevention education through hand washing to create knowledge about hygiene and sanitation for children at Muhammadiyah Sukonandin Elementary School to prevent diarrhea. The Participatory Action Research (PAR) method is used to emphasize participation and collaboration from various parties in managing action research research. In this method, 3 activities are implemented, namely socialization, discussion and mentoring. As a result of implementing PRODAMAT activities, Muhammadiyah Sukonandin Elementary School students obtained an average pre-test score of 60% and an average post-test score of 90%. Thus, it can be concluded that education can increase students' knowledge and understanding about preventing diarrhea through hand-washing.</em></p> Mita Ardila Dwi Tiva Widyanti S. Humolungo Danang Prasetyaning Amukti Moch Saiful Bachri ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-07-19 2024-07-19 4 2 1 7 10.20895/ijcosin.v4i1.1553 Diseminasi Teknologi Retort Drum untuk Produksi Biochar Bambu Di Desa Banjar Waru, Cilacap https://journal.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/index.php/ijcosin/article/view/1491 <p><em>The purpose of this community service activity is to enhance community knowledge and skills in making bamboo craft waste into biochar using retort drum technology. Bamboo biochar produced by using retort drum technology will be used to enhance the relatively low fertility of agricultural soil in Banjar Waru village. The way for carrying out community service activities involves introducing biochar and its manufacturing procedures, training in biochar production, and evaluating the longing program. The activity's results showed that participants were interested in and noticed the process of making bamboo waste into biochar. The effectiveness of this community service activity is that there is a program conducted in groups to produce bamboo charcoal and other agricultural waste.</em></p> Sari Widya Utami Galih Mustiko Aji Artdhita Fajar Pratiwi Fadillah Fadillah Rostika Listyaningrum ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-07-19 2024-07-19 4 2 8 14 10.20895/ijcosin.v4i1.1491 Sosialiasi Pemilahan Sampah di Desa Kedungrandu: Solusi Pengeloaan dan Pemanfaatan Sampah Rumah Tangga https://journal.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/index.php/ijcosin/article/view/1549 <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Waste is residual material in solid, liquid, or gas form that is present in people's lives. All human activities inevitably produce waste, including in Kedungrandu Village. Waste management using the Collect-Transport-Dispose principle is irrelevant because it does not solve the source of the household waste problem. As the highest waste producer, household waste management is critical to reduce the volume of waste disposed of in landfills. The most appropriate management and handling of household waste are done by sorting waste based on its characteristics. This activity will shape the role and encourage the community to participate in handling their household waste so that it is hoped that the amount will be reduced. The method used is a descriptive survey with a study design for filling out a questionnaire, observation/field survey method. The survey results show that the waste management system in Kedungrandu Village is not good because there is no rubbish dump and there is a lack of knowledge and skills in waste management. Based on the average survey results, show that 100% of people do not understand the difference between organic and inorganic waste and 60% of people have difficulty managing household waste. The benefits of this socialization are that people can sort waste according to their characteristics, have awareness and concern for the environment, and find the right solution to overcome waste</em><em>.</em><em> management problems. Potential problems in community-based waste management education and planning of subsequent activities are important for the sustainability of waste management.</em></p> Syahid Nur Khomsyi Mega Yuliani Ramme Gabriella F Pandiangan Brian Nugraha Wiyono Aina Latifa Riyana Putri ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-07-23 2024-07-23 4 2 15 23 10.20895/ijcosin.v4i1.1549 Sosialisasi dan Workshop Digital Marketing sebagai Upaya Pengembangan Usaha Masyarakat Desa Kalibenda, Kecamatan Ajibarang, Kabupaten Banyumas https://journal.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/index.php/ijcosin/article/view/1452 <p><em>Digital marketing has been a foundation for the business development strategy in the digital era. Even though, the utilization of digital marketing is not evenly applied, especially on the rural area such as in Desa Kalibenda, Kabupaten Banyumas. This community service aims to improve understanding and skills on digital marketing to the resident of the Desa Kalibenda for the potential utilization of digital marketing. Through workshop and seminar, participants are introduced to basic concept of the digital marketing such as media social strategies, browser optimization, and data analytics. The workshop shows significant understanding improvement as well as the positive impact on participant skills on utilizing the digital technology for UMKM marketing measured by post-test after the workshop. As a result, the workshop is suggested to continue and extend the similar program for other region to improve the local UMKM competitiveness in the connected digital market.</em></p> Yesy Diah Rosita Dany Candra Febrianto Andi Prademon Yunus Aulia Desy Nur Utomo ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-07-23 2024-07-23 4 2 24 33 10.20895/ijcosin.v4i1.1452 Pelatihan sistem informasi pengendalian stunting pada remaja putri di desa sawangan melalui penanggulangan anemia https://journal.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/index.php/ijcosin/article/view/1493 <p><em>Stunting and anemia in adolescent girls are major health issues in Indonesia, including in Sawangan Village Banyumas Regency. This research aims to implement stunting prevention strategies through the management of anemia in adolescent girls in Sawangan Village and to increase community awareness and knowledge about the importance of early prevention of stunting and anemia. The method is a participatory approach involving adolescent girls and local health workers. This activity includes socialization and training on stunting and anemia prevention, using hemoglobin check tools, and the provision of Blood Addition Tablets (TTD). In addition, an anemia monitoring system based on information technology is also implemented to monitor the condition of hemoglobin in adolescent girls regularly and structured. The results of this activity show an increase in community awareness and knowledge about the importance of preventing stunting and anemia, as well as an increase in monitoring and handling of these conditions. In addition, implementing an anemia monitoring system based on information technology has facilitated the regular and structured monitoring of hemoglobin conditions in adolescent girls. The contribution of this research is to achieve the target of Stunting Free Indonesia in 2030. With the implementation of stunting prevention strategies through the management of anemia in adolescent girls, this research contributes to improving the health and welfare of the community in Sawangan Village and supporting government efforts in achieving these goals.”</em></p> Paradise Paradise Wahyu Adi Prabowo Gladi Pawestri Utami Amalia Beladinna Arifa Aulia Burhanuddin Rifki Adhitama ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-07-11 2024-07-11 4 2 34 44 10.20895/ijcosin.v4i1.1493 Pelatihan Perhitungan Harga Pokok Produksi (HPP) dalam Menentukan Harga Jual Fried Chicken https://journal.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/index.php/ijcosin/article/view/1447 <p><em>MSMEs play an important role in business development and national economic progress at large. One type of MSME that is mushrooming at the moment is a culinary business that serves fried chicken menus or more specifically fried chicken menus. The strategy for determining product prices or selling prices is of course one that can determine victory in the business competition where many culinary-type businesses are currently emerging. Haji Tan, as the owner of a fried chicken business, wants to know the calculation and determination of the Cost of Production so that he can review the selling price of his product which has been set to adapt to the economic conditions of the community and nation due to the increase in prices of basic necessities. The current price determination for Haji Tan's Fried Chicken business products is based on similarities with competitors or mere estimates. With this community service, the aim is to explain that Kentucky chicken must be sold based on the calculation of the cost of production in order to revise the selling price of the product which will be applied in Haji Tan's business branches and will later get a stable profit. This service carries out training activities using counseling/socialization and practical methods. The implementation of training activities has run smoothly and well so that it can provide benefits in increasing participants' knowledge and skills. Currently, participants can adjust the calculation of the cost of production (HPP )to determine the selling price. Partners have been able to correctly prepare the cost of production so they can estimate the profits they will make and determine their product sales targets.</em></p> Farida Farida Endang Wulandari Dewi Gita Kartika ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-07-26 2024-07-26 4 2 45 55 10.20895/ijcosin.v4i1.1447 Penyuluhan Keamanan Pangan di UKM Produk Manisan Buah Pepaya Desa Karangsalam Kabupaten Banyumas https://journal.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/index.php/ijcosin/article/view/1489 <p>Manisan buah pepaya adalah salah satu produk pangan olahan yang populer pada semua kalangan masyarakat. Tetapi, keamanan pangan dari produk manisan buah pepaya menjadi isu penting yang perlu diperhatikan mengenai <em>personal hygine</em> dan sanitasi selama proses pengolahan. Pengabdian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengevaluasi praktik-praktik keamanan pangan yang diterapkan pada salah satu UKM Manisan Buah Pepaya Bu Lasmidah. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini meliputi survey pada UKM Manisan Buah Pepaya Bu Lasmidah, melakukan wawancara dengan pemilik usaha, serta memberikan sosialisasi mengenai keamanan pangan. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan masih terdapat beberapa praktik yang kurang memenuhi standar <em>hygiene</em> dan sanitasi yang meliputi tidak memakai sarung tangan, masker, dan penutup kepala. Pada proses pendinginan yang terbuka dapat meningkatkan risiko terjadinya kontaminasi. Kualitas bahan buah pepaya sudah sedikit memenuhi persyaratan walaupun penggunaan kapur sirih dan pewarna masih melewati batas. Kondisi ruangan pengolahan seperti lantai, ventilasi, dinding, jendela, pintu yang masih kurang higienis akan menyebabkan sumber kontaminasi. Peralatan pengolahan masih perlu butuh perbaikan terkait sanitasi yang lebih ketat untuk memastikan keamanan produk akhir. Pengolahan limbah dan air juga masih belum sesuai prosedur. Sehingga, dilakukan sosialisasi terkait peningkatan kesadaran akan pentingnya kebersihan dan keamanan pangan pada tempat produksi serta wawasan terkait produksi manisan buah pepaya.</p> Nabilla Mutiara Putri Andini Rahyu Gati Septi Adi Cahyani Shevandra Qeysa Adifaputra Ulil Maghfiroh Nurul Latifasari ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 4 2 56 65 10.20895/ijcosin.v4i1.1489 Penerapan PLTS Sebagai Sumber Energi Listrik Untuk UMKM Kerupuk Wanita Tani di Desa Tanjung Karawang https://journal.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/index.php/ijcosin/article/view/1462 <p>This community service aims to implement a solar photovoltaic system (PLTS) as a reliable and sustainable source of electrical energy for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Kerupuk Wanita Tani in Tanjung Karawang Village. The method used in this activity is &nbsp;implementation planning and training for PLTS installation. The results of this activity show that the Kerupuk Wanita Tani MSME has a PLTS system that can meet its electrical energy needs independently. The impact of this activity is to increase the productivity of Tanjung Village Women Farmers' MSMEs, provide electricity access to Tanjung Village PAUD and street lighting for residents. Apart from that, installing PLTS can increase community understanding to participate in implementing PLTS as an energy independent village in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.</p> Dika Satria Clara Virnanda Asmara Putri Mery Athonia Nasta Latu Elisa Athonia Bangun Agus Sutiyana ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-07-26 2024-07-26 4 2 66 75 10.20895/ijcosin.v4i1.1462 Pelatihan Penyusunan Artikel Ilmiah Bereputasi Dengan LaTeX Bagi Mahasiswa Indonesia di Malaysia https://journal.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/index.php/ijcosin/article/view/1485 <p><em>The ability to write reputable article is an essential competency for academics and researchers. One of the requirements for an article to be said to be reputable is that it be published in a reputable international journal with a particular writing style. One of the writing styles presented is the LaTeX format. The advantages of this format, compared to others, are its stable, dynamic and efficient characteristics. In addition, LaTex is open source. Nevertheless, the implementation of the LaTeX format is not yet popular enough for certain groups, especially academics in Indonesia. Therefore, training was carried out in preparing reputable articles using LaTeX. This training is specifically for Indonesian students who are studying at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia based on their need. The training was held on May 4 2024 at 08.00 Malaysian standard time. The method used was teaching and discussing carried out online. Evaluation have been carried out based on the number of participants, formative test, and the participant responses. From the evaluation results, it is known that there were 31 participants. The average score on the formative test was 61.29. In addition, the dominant of participants strongly agreed with the usefulness of this training, where 16 (45.7%) participants giving positive comments. Meanwhile 10 (28.5%) participants provided suggestions, and the rest were neutral.</em></p> Ridho Ananda Gushelmi Gushelmi Maidawati Maidawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 4 2 76 86 10.20895/ijcosin.v4i1.1485 Pemberdayaan Kelompok Disabilitas dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kemandirian Wirausaha melalui Pelatihan Kripik Pisang https://journal.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id/index.php/ijcosin/article/view/1492 <p><em>Disability is still a strategic issue that continues to be voiced in the public sphere to get their rights. The difficulty of getting a job and the lack of self-confidence add to the bad stigma of disability for people with disabilities. The purpose of writing this research as a momentum to bring awareness of entrepreneurship for disabled groups. On the other hand, as an increase in the capacity of managing banana skills into chips with flavor variants. This research service uses Participatory Learning Methods with techniques in the form of training simulations ranging from planning, implementation and evaluation. The research method is descriptive-qualitative with observation data collection, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study explained that the training started from the planning stage by looking from an objective point of view at the members of the village Disability Group and looking at the direction of the SIGAB companion at the KDK. Banana chips processing training has an impact on participants, namely adding insight into the selection of bananas, frying techniques, and providing flavor variants. In order for the sustainability of the program to be achieved more optimally to realize the disabled community who are independent entrepreneurs, partners with related stakeholders are needed.</em></p> Wisnu Setiadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 4 2 87 95 10.20895/ijcosin.v4i1.1492