Classification of Marine Fish Based on Image Using Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm and VGG16

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Dimas Adira Wibisono
Auliya Buhanuddin


Marine fish are one of the many natural resources that frequently consumed by people. However, several types of marine fish are prohibited from consumption due to being nearly extinct. Additionally, some fish species contain high levels of mercury that can be harmful to human if consumed. Because of the large number of marine fish species, it becomes challenging to identify them without knowledge of fisheries. Moreover, computers have become highly advanced devices that facilitate various human activities. This advancement allows for the creation of systems capable of processing information from images, known as image classification. There are numerous methods that can be employed in designing an image classification system, one of which is transfer learning. This study was aimed to design an image classification system using the transfer learning method with a pre-trained VGG16 model and Convolutional Neural Network algorithm. The research results showed a training data accuracy of 100% and a validation data accuracy of 99.3%, with an overall accuracy of 84% and a loss value of 0.6591.

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How to Cite
Wibisono, D., & Buhanuddin, A. (2024). Classification of Marine Fish Based on Image Using Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm and VGG16. Journal of Informatics Information System Software Engineering and Applications (INISTA), 6(2), 116-123.


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