Design and Implementation KP-SPAMS Transaction Information System utilizing Laravel Framework and Extreme Programming Methodology

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Moch Zawaruddin Abdullah
Mamluatul Hani'ah
Yoppy Yunhasnawa
Rokhimatul Wakhidah


The Community-Based Drinking Water and Sanitation Management Group (KP-SPAMS) oversees the Community-Based Drinking Water and Sanitation Provision Program (PAMSIMAS), which is essential for providing clean water services to rural areas. Nevertheless, KP-SPAMS continues to face challenges related to operational transaction management, such as the documentation of customer data, water usage, invoicing, and financial reporting. This research aims to develop a web-based transaction information system, utilizing the Laravel framework and the Extreme Programming methodology, to meet the specific requirements of KP-SPAMS Sumber Waras located in Ngenep Village, Malang Regency. The Extreme Programming methodology facilitates adaptable and cooperative software development, enabling quick responses to evolving customer requirements. The system's primary functionalities are customer registration, water usage recording, automatic billing, and payment reporting. The implementation results indicate that this system may enhance operational efficiency, accountability, and traceability of all transaction processes in KP-SPAMS, facilitating improved decision-making and superior service quality for the community. User Acceptance Testing results show that 80% of users rated the system positively, with 53.33% agreeing and 26.67% strongly agreeing that the system meets their needs and provides a satisfactory experience. Only 6.67% of responses indicated dissatisfaction, and no respondents strongly disagreed, demonstrating that the system aligns well with user expectations and offers a solid foundation for future improvements.

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How to Cite
Abdullah, M. Z., Hani’ah, M., Yunhasnawa, Y., & Wakhidah, R. (2024). Design and Implementation KP-SPAMS Transaction Information System utilizing Laravel Framework and Extreme Programming Methodology. Journal of Informatics Information System Software Engineering and Applications (INISTA), 7(1), 51-67.


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