Expert System for Identifying Pregnant Using Forward Chaining

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Gilang Aditia
Afzal Ziqri
Aldhan Tri Maulana
Faisal Dharma Adhinata


Pregnancy is a biological process in which sperm and eggs meet each other to fertilize, and the fetus is formed in the uterus. But it's difficult; pregnant mothers sometimes have problems or discomfort during pregnancy. In addition, in areas far from the city, there are many obstacles to consulting an obstetrician. Therefore, it will be dangerous if mothers experience problems and find it difficult to get first aid. This research aims to create an expert system for pregnant women where it is not difficult for a mother to go to the doctor to ask about her complaints. The solution offered in this study is easy to access to the SP BUMIL website and automatically enters all mothers' complaints into the system. This system also provides a diagnosis and advice to pregnant women as to the best steps and an explanation of what the pregnant woman is suffering from. This expert system uses the forward chaining method, which has the advantage of producing a solution to a problem; in other words, being able to consider a problem and draw conclusions according to the facts. On this website, there is a disease information menu and also the results of the diagnosis

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How to Cite
Aditia, G., Ziqri, A., Maulana, A. T., & Adhinata, F. D. (2023). Expert System for Identifying Pregnant Using Forward Chaining. Journal of Informatics Information System Software Engineering and Applications (INISTA), 5(2), 136-143.


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