Evaluasi User Experience Aplikasi KAI Access Menggunakan Metode System Usability Scale (SUS) dan Cognitive Walktrough

  • Rizqi Januar Musyaffa Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
  • Agus Priyanto Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
  • Sena Wijayanto Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Keywords: System Usability Scale, Cognitive walktrough, KAI Access, User experience, evaluasi


KAI Access aims to facilitate the public so that they do not have to queue at the station for train services. In reality, KAI Access has a low rating from its users, combined with negative comments containing complaints about the application, indicating that the level of user comfort with KAI Access is relatively low. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the user experience using the System Usability Scale and Cognitive Walkthrough methods. In the SUS testing to measure satisfaction, KAI Access obtained an SUS score below the average at 63, which means that KAI Access is in grade D, with an adjective "OK" and acceptability "Marginal High". In addition, in the cognitive walkthrough testing, KAI Access obtained an efficiency rating score of 0.035 tasks/second, meaning that each respondent could complete 35% of the tasks per second. In terms of learnability, a success rate of 90% was obtained. As for the error aspect, KAI Access had a rate of 26.3% with a total of 120 errors. The result of the user experience evaluation of the KAI Access application in this study is that there are several recommendations for the problems found in all task scenarios, except for task scenarios 5 and 10. There are also several recommendations for interface design, including those in task scenarios 1 to 4.
