Factor Analysis of E-Money Use Using the TAM Technology Acceptance Model Method (Case Study of Students of Telkom Institute of Technology Purwokerto)

  • Arlyn Satriaji Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
  • Dedy Agung Prabowo Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Keywords: Technology Acceptance Model, E-Money, PLS


In the IT Telkom Purwokerto canteen, it was found that during break time the canteen became very crowded and queued, especially in the payment section, this was because the payment system in the IT Telkom Purwokerto canteen was still carried out on average in cash with the number of transactions using cash still more than non-cash transactions using e-money. Although it has many advantages such as making transactions easier, the adoption of any innovation can also be hampered by a lack of trust in a system even though there are many advantages that exist by using a technology so that there are obstacles in the use of e-money itself in terms of user acceptance. e-money usage factors can be measured using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) which is considered the most effective in explaining how users react to new IT systems. The results of research that have been processed using the SEM PLS method show that the four constructs of perceived convenience, perceived usefulness, attitude towards use, and actual use in this study are stated to have a positive and significant effect on the use of e-money used for transactions at IT Telkom Purwokerto.
