Identification of Computer Hardware Damage Using a Website-Based Certainty Factor Method

  • Afriza Ali Zighovit Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
  • Rifki Adhitama IT Telkom Purwokerto
  • Amalia Beladinna Arifa Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Keywords: Certainty Factors, Computer Hardware Damage, Confusion Matrix, Expert Systems, Waterfall


A computer is an electronic device designed to receive input, process it, store processing instructions, and deliver output as information. Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer that are tangible and visible. Due to inadequate knowledge in troubleshooting computer malfunctions, novice users often face challenges in identifying the source of hardware issues. Consequently, not all users are equipped to repair hardware problems, which may lead to unnecessary repair costs for issues that could potentially be resolved independently. Thus, there is a necessity for a system capable of diagnosing computer hardware malfunctions, functioning as an expert system to provide practical consultation and information. This expert system is developed using PHP and Laragon. The dataset utilized in this research comprises 44 symptoms. The system design follows the Waterfall methodology for system analysis and employs the Certainty Factor method for diagnosing types of malfunctions. System testing is conducted using both Whitebox and Blackbox testing methodologies, and accuracy is evaluated using a Confusion Matrix. The system for identifying computer hardware malfunctions achieved an accuracy rate of 75%..
