CALL FOR PAPER Vol 01, No. 02
Posted on 2022-05-24CALL FOR PAPER
Kami mengundang para akademisi, peneliti, dan pengamat untuk mengirimkan hasil penelitian di Jurnal TRINISTIK (Teknik Industri, Bisnis Digital, dan Teknik Logistik) untuk Edisi September 2022 (Vol. 01 No. 02)
Ruang Lingkup:
Industrial Engineering:
- Ergonomic, Work Study and Safety
- Operational Research
- Manufacturing Facility Design
- Quality Management
- Operations Engineering and Management
- Supply Chain Management
Logistics Engineering
- Warehouse and Inventory System
- Transportation Science
- Cold Chain
- Halal Logistics
- City and Agrologistics
Digital Business:
- Product Design and Development
- Digital Marketing
- Digital Business Strategy, Model and Platform
- Technology, Innovation and Digital Transformation
- Start-Up Business Development
- Digital Entrepreneurship
- Financial Technology
- Digital Service Design
Daftar dan Kirimkan Artikelmu melalui website kami:
Submission Due Date: 30 Juni 2022
Contact Person:
Anna 0877-3011-9899
Salam Riset!!