Analisis Produktivitas Mesin Filling Botol Dengan Metode Overal Equipment Effectiveness Dan Failure Mode And Effect Analysis

  • Angga Prasetya Aji Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta
  • Widya Setiafindari
Keywords: Air Minum Dalam Kemasan, Failure Mode And Effect Analysis, Overall Equpment Effectiveness, Produktivitas, Six Big Losses



Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Tirta Binangun merupakan perusahaan daerah di bidang penyediaan air wilayah kabupaten kulon progo serta memproduksi air minum dalam kemasan (AMDK) dengan merek dagang AirKu. PDAM Tirta Binangun terletak di Secang, Sendangsari, Pengasih, Kulon Progo. Permasalahan yang dihadapi perusahaan adalah produksi AMDK botol 600 ml memiliki kegagalan produk sebesar 16.038 botol dalam satu tahun yaitu bulan April 2021 sampai dengan Maret 2022. Berdasarkan masalah tersebut maka dilakukan pengukuran efektivitas mesin guna mengetahui seberapa produktivitas mesin filling. Metode yang digunakan adalah Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) dan Failure Mode And Effect Analysis (FMEA). Hasil dari OEE menunjukkan tingkat efektivitas rata-rata mesin filling sebesar 87,48% sehingga kegagalan masih dalam toleransi dan memiliki nilai bagus karena lebih besar dari standart OEE yaitu 85%. Analisa Six Big Losses didapat empat faktor terbesar yaitu Reduce Speed Losses dengan persentase rata-rata 3,82% dan frekuensi relatif 39,01%, Downtime Losses dengan rata-rata 2,27 % dan frekuensi relatif 28,31%, Defect Losses dengan rata-rata 1,58 % dan frekuensi relatif 15,59%, Idle and Minor Stoppage dengan rata-rata 1,55 % dan frekuensi relatif 15,85%. Adapun usulan perbaikan adalah menambah 1 karyawan, dilakukan pengecekan berkala pemegang kepala botol dan mengganti dengan digital time relay two timmer pada directional control valve.


Kata kunci: Air Minum Dalam Kemasan, Failure Mode And Effect Analysis, Overall Equpment Effectiveness, Produktivitas,  Six Big Losses.



The Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) Tirta Binangun is a regional company in the field of water supply in the Kulon Progo Regency area and produces bottled drinking water (AMDK) with the AirKu trademark. PDAM Tirta Binangun is located in Secang, Sendangsari, Pengasih, Kulon Progo. The problem faced by the company is that the production of 600 ml bottled drinking water has a product failure of 16,038 bottles in one year, from April 2021 to March 2022. Based on this problem, the effectiveness of the machine is measured to find out how productive the filling machine is. The methods used are Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and Failure Mode And Effect Analysis (FMEA). The results of the OEE show that the average effectiveness of the filling machine is 87.48% so that the failure is still within tolerance and has a good value because it is greater than the OEE standard, which is 85%. Six Big Losses analysis obtained the four biggest factors, namely Reduce Speed ​​Losses with an average proportion of 3.82% and a relative frequency of 39.01%, Downtime Losses with an average of 2.27% and a relative frequency of 28.31%, Defect Losses with an average of 1.58% and a relative frequency of 15.59%, Idle and Minor Stoppage with an average of 1.55% and a relative frequency of 15.85%. The proposed improvement is to add 1 employee, periodically check the bottle head holder and replace it with a digital time relay two timer on the directional control valve.


Keywords: Bottled Drinking Water, Failure Mode And Effect Analysis, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Productivity, Six Big Losses


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How to Cite
Aji, A., & Setiafindari, W. (2023). Analisis Produktivitas Mesin Filling Botol Dengan Metode Overal Equipment Effectiveness Dan Failure Mode And Effect Analysis. Jurnal TRINISTIK: Jurnal Teknik Industri, Bisnis Digital, Dan Teknik Logistik, 2(1), 21-32.