Isi Artikel Utama

Yumna Amirah


Baturraden is one of the areas in the province of Central Java. The name Baturraden was created from

folklore. In fact, not many local people, especially children, know the origins of the creation of Baturraden.

Therefore we need media that can attract the attention of children namely is through 2-dimensional

animation which can be accessed easily via YouTube. This study uses a qualitative descriptive analysis

approach using the science of aesthetics. The theory of aesthetics uses a theoretical approach according

to Djelantik which describes aesthetics into three basic elements, namely form, weight, and appearance.

A 2-dimensional animation of the folk story "Origin of Baturraden", using a cartoon-style illustration. The

type of typography used belongs to the decorative style with a touch of serif fonts. The most common

colors used are pink, yellow, orange, brown, purple, indigo, blue, green, gray, black, and white. While the

arrangement in the animation refers to shots, scenes, and sequences. The atmosphere that was built is

around the duchy area with traditional nuances and beautiful nature typical of ancient times. The message

that I want to convey is that if you want to get something you want, you have to fight and try hard. Besides

that, there is also a message to act sincerely in order to bring success in the future.

Rincian Artikel



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