Author Guidelines

Please prepare the journal manuscript and adjust it with the DINDA template at the following URL DINDA template.

The title is written with 15 pt Times New Rowman Font, (Max 22 Words: Indonesian)

Author1, Author2
1Department, faculty, institution
2Department, faculty, institution,

The title should be clear and concise. Only the first letter of the title is capitalized and not bold—the author's name and affiliation as written above. The author's name is written clearly without a title. Heading numbering with Arabic system with maximum sub-heading up to 3 levels.

Abstract [Times New Rowman: 10]
The abstract is written in two languages, namely English and Indonesian, a maximum of 200 words in English and 250 words in Indonesian. Abstracts are written in Times New Rowman 10, spaced 1, 1 paragraph, italicized for abstract [english) and straight print (Indonesian) and in one column format.

Keywords are written in 3-5 words which should be a subset of the paper's title, written using lowercase letters except for abbreviations, and separated by commas for words.

Keywords: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science, Sentiment Analysis, [maximum five keywords]

Manuscript Structure
Articles should contain articles containing 1. Introduction, 2. Research Methods (can include analysis, architecture, methods used to solve problems, implementation), 3. Results and discussion, 4. Conclusions, 5. Acknowledgments (if any) and References. The subtitles use Times New Rowman 15 bold font.

The contents of the introduction are answers to questions:

  • Problem statement
  • Literature Review
  • The reason for conducting this research
  • Purpose question

Research Methods
Describe the preparation methods and characterization techniques used. Explain briefly but still accurately, such as size, volume, replication, and artistry technique. The new method should be described in detail so that other researchers can reproduce the experiment. At the same time, established methods can be explained by picking references.

Manuscript Length
The manuscript is written in A4 paper size with a minimum of 5 pages and a maximum of 10 pages, including tables and figures, and concerning the writing procedures as outlined in this paper.

Tables should be numbered in the order of presentation (Table 1, etc.). The title of the table is written above the table in a center justified position. The font used is 11pt for both table titles and table contents. Tables must be referenced and referenced in the text.

Pictures are numbered in the order of presentation (Fig.1, etc.). The image's title is placed under the image in a centered position (centered justified). The font used in the image title is 11pt. Images must be referenced and referenced in the text.

Page Specification
Use the Calibri typeface throughout the text, with the font size as shown in this writing guide. The spacing is single, and the contents of the text or manuscript use the left-right alignment (justified).

The page size is A4 (210 mm x 297 mm). Page margins are 25 mm top-bottom, left, and right.

An easy way to write a manuscript is to write directly in the Journal template.

I was writing the library using the IEEE Referencing Standard system. It is recommended to use Mendeley/endnote/Zotero tools. Everything listed in the bibliography/reference must be referred to in writing or on paper—a minimum of 10 primary references from journals or conferences and the most recent (last five years).