Mobile Assistant Application for Street Food Consumers in Bandung

  • Julius Angger Satrio Wicaksono Telkom Universtiy
  • Kadek David Kurniawan Telkom Universtiy
  • Alfian Akbar Gozali Telkom Universtiy
Keywords: Street food, Bandung culinary, Computer Vision, Food Recognition


In the dynamic city of Bandung, the lively street food scene has captured the fascination of tourists, offering a diverse selection of tempting dishes. Nevertheless, a persistent challenge arises from the lack of comprehensive details about these street foods, presenting a hurdle for consumers in making well-informed and health-conscious choices. This predicament underscores the necessity for a solution, leading to the introduction of the Mobile Assistant Application for Street Food Consumers in Bandung. Harnessing cutting-edge computer vision technology, this application seeks to provide a solution by furnishing users with an intuitive and effective tool for accessing in-depth information regarding street foods. The outcomes of thorough experimentation highlight the application's success in precisely identifying a wide array of street foods in Bandung. Users benefit from accurate information on ingredients and nutritional values, empowering them to make informed dietary decisions and elevating the overall street food experience in Bandung. This inventive solution not only addresses the prevailing information gap but also contributes to the well-being of consumers, ushering in a healthier and more enlightened food culture in Bandung at the tip of one's finger.
