Optimizing Search Efficiency in Ordered Data: A Hybrid Approach Using Jump Binary Search

  • Gabriella Youzanna Rorong Universitas Logistik dan Bisnis Internasional
  • Syafrial Fachri Pane Universitas Logistik dan Bisnis Internasional https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5119-3808
  • M Amran Hakim Siregar


This research presents the development of a hybrid algorithm called Jump Binary Search (JBS), which integrates jump search and binary search techniques to improve search efficiency in sorted data distributions. JBS is designed to accelerate the search process using a jump technique to find the target block, after the block is identified, it is followed by a binary search to narrow down the search space. The results of this study show that the performance of JBS is superior compared to Jump Linear Search (JLS) when applied to non-uniform and ordered categorical data distributions. JBS only requires an execution time ranging from 0-15ms and 0-10ms, demonstrating efficiency and speed on elements consisting of 400 elements. The execution time of JBS demonstrates its efficiency compared to JLS. By minimizing unnecessary data access, JBS becomes the right solution for finding target elements in sorted data distribution.
