Call For Papers
We eagerly call researchers and academicians to publish their research results at the Journal of Telecommunication, Electronics and Control Engineering for Vol. 7, No. 2, July 2025. The submitted article can be written in Bahasa Indonesia or English.
We receive articles in the field of:
- Telecommunication: Modulation and Signal Processing, Information Theory and Coding, Antenna and Wave Propagation, Wireless and Mobile Communication, Radio Communication, Satellite Communication, Fiber Optic, Telecommunication Network, Telecommunication System, and RADAR.
- Electronic: Microelectronic System, VLSI Design, Biomedical Instrument, Embedded System, Robotics, Communication Electronic, Optoelectronic, Internet of Things, Adaptive System, and System Identification.
- Control: Analog and Digital Control, Intelligent control, Programmable Logic Control (PLC), Control Theory and Applications, and Process Control.
Reputed reviewers will review the articles—the process of submitting articles until the production will be using the Open Journal System (OJS). Please register first before submitting your manuscript, and we encourage you to visit the submission and author guidelines on JTECE. Unfortunately, due to the shortage of finely written articles, we push the dateline for receiving the manuscript to 1 November 2024.
For further information, please contact:
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronics, and Control Engineering (JTECE)
Fakultas Teknik Telekomunikasi dan Elektro
Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Jl. D. I. Panjaitan No. 128 Purwokerto
Phone: (0281) 641629
Whatsapp: +6285882184967